Removable Clear Aligner Therapy in Oakboro, NC

At Oakboro Family Dentistry, we understand when patients want the convenience of removable aligners when it comes to achieving a straighter smile, which is why our orthodontic options include both Invisalign and Inman aligners. These treatments offer different benefits that cater to the unique needs of different patients, and both are excellent choices. If you would like to learn more about our orthodontic services or schedule an orthodontic consultation, please give us a call or send us a message, and we will be more than happy to assist!

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clear aligners

Invisalign® Clear Aligner Therapy

Invisalign uses a series of clear aligners to straighten the teeth, and patients begin wearing the next aligner in the series every two weeks. Patients are required to wear aligners made of a clear, comfortable plastic material for around 21 to 22 hours per day for the treatment to be effective. Invisalign is a comprehensive orthodontic treatment, which means all of the teeth are straightened, and more complex orthodontic issues can be treated as well. The main benefit of Invisalign is that their aligners are practically invisible on the teeth, and they straighten all of the teeth in an average of 12 to 18 months.

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Inman Aligners

Inman aligners are ideal for patients who have mild orthodontic issues, only want to straighten the teeth that show when they smile, or who had braces before and now their teeth have begun shifting back to their original positions. These aligners have a metal bar that sits in front of the teeth and one that’s behind the teeth, and they work together to gently shift the teeth into straighter positions. While these aligners are less discreet than Invisalign, patients only need to wear them for 16 to 20 hours per day for an average of 6-18 weeks! Patients will also need to come in every 2-3 weeks to have their aligner adjusted.

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How Much Do Invisalign and Inman Aligners Cost?

Inman treatment plans tend to require fewer orthodontic visits than Invisalign, which tends to make them a more affordable option. During your orthodontic consultation, our team can discuss the costs that will be associated with your treatment plan and give you an estimate for how long your treatment will be. Our team accepts cash, debit and credit cards, FSAs and HSAs, and CareCredit®. If you would like to learn more about financing the cost of your orthodontic care, please visit our financial page or get in touch with our friendly front office team.

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