Emergency Dentist in Oakboro, NC

Dental emergencies hardly ever happen when it’s convenient! We do our very best to accommodate patients with urgent dental needs. We also want to help you recognize which type of dental accidents need immediate care and which ones just need urgent care. When you understand what to do in a dental emergency, sometimes your knowledge and quick action can save a tooth, or at the very least make the emergency less stressful.

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exam room

Critical Dental Emergency Scenarios

The most common dental emergency is a tooth that has been broken or lost due to an accident. If you or a family member find yourself in this situation, below are a few steps to help you navigate the situation:

  • First, find the lost tooth and carefully pick it up. Carefully rinse off the tooth with water or milk until it’s clean.
  • Next, store the tooth in milk or saline solution in a clean, covered container in order to transport it to our office.
  • Contact our office immediately. The sooner the tooth is reinserted, the better the chance that the tooth can be saved.
waiting area

When It’s Okay to Wait

These types of dental emergencies are not quite as urgent, although we still want to see you.

  • Chipped Tooth
  • Cracked Tooth
  • Lost or Damaged Restoration

If any of these scenarios happen, please consult with our office to find out what your next steps should be.

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