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Common Tonsil Stone Symptoms

January 10, 2020 Published by Leave your thoughts

If you still have your tonsils, you may find yourself afflicted with tonsil stones, also known as tonsilloliths, at some point in your life. If you are suffering from the symptoms listed in our blog, come see us at Oakboro Family Dentistry for relief.

Tooth Erosion & Acid Reflux

May 8, 2019 Published by

Tooth erosion and acid reflux may seem like two very different health issues. Read our blog post where we explain how they are actually closely related. Contact us if you have symptoms or either tooth erosion of acid reflux. We can help!

What to Expect at Your First Visit

April 11, 2019 Published by Leave your thoughts

Do you have a first visit to a new dentist around the corner? It can sometimes be a bit intimidating to go to a new dentist’s office, but at Oakboro Family Dentistry, we’re dedicated to making you feel right at home. Read our blog post where we walk you through what to expect at your first visit.